Monthly Archives: April 2011

‘Gentle healer’

It was a rainy autumn afternoon. Jack was blankly staring out of the window. He was depressed. His life had recently seemed to suck in every possible aspect. He had been thrown out of the school, all his friends had left him and on top of that he had been grounded.

His parents were about to go out. ‘Go to sleep early and don’t let any strangers in.’, his mom instructed him. As pleased as a punch, he lied down in his bed.

Jack completely lost the sense of timing. He could have been lying there for hours when suddenly out of the corner of his eye he noticed a weird golden glow. He quickly turned his head to see a shining, delicate hand reaching for him. Stunned, he fell back. ‘For light doth seize my brain… With frantic pain…’, the words came to his mind out of nowhere, or maybe it was the creature, whose hand he was now watching? Shivering from head to toe he tried to catch a glimpse of what was behind the hand. However, he realised, it was there alone – no arm, no body, nothing. It was just hanging in the air, surrounded by microscopic golden pieces. Before he could notice any movement, they came buzzing around his head.

It was still profoundly dark. Jack felt deeply elated. He couldn’t remember anything from his whole life except for the strange phenomenon, which appeared in his room. All he wanted to do now was to share this wonderful story with the world, but he somehow knew he couldn’t… He knew he could never tell anyone because they would never believe him.

*'For light doth seize my brain... With frantic pain...' - a fragment from 
William Blake's 'Mad Song'

‘ ‘Tis what you seek’

purple flowering tree.jpg

Dance between the lights

Dance between the trees

Dancing in the darkness

Dancing with the leaves


Falling on my cheeks

Little purple flowers

I’m surrounded by the power

Of their sheer beauty


Singing to remember

Singing to forget

Moments that blacken my soul

And make me regret


The secret’s in the smiles

And in hugging the world lovingly

Love yourself and respect your body

Cherish the life as it is


Fight for your dreams

And believe in a victory

Dance and sing along the way

What you’ll find is what you seek



Thanks a lot for the following award in the Rally:

For this week I’d like to nominate Julian Javier 😉

‘Recipe for the best art’

Almanach des Muses 1767

Broken heart

Is the best poet


Are the noble ink


– The most precious paper

Fallen angel

– The golden muse

And so I gather my lovely weapons

Come together my wings of feathers

Cause I know that from the art you get all the best

When strong feelings burst open your chest


Misty Morning Memories

When we are so close

When your hand holds mine

I feel I am where I should be

I want to stay just like that


But time has no mercy

It runs away from us

When I realise that maybe

It’s the last time I see you, I cry


Perhaps in some other dimension

Maybe in some other universe

We’ll stay forever together

In each other’s arms


So when I look at the place where we were standing

Where we were dancing far from apart

I smile and hope that ‘maybe’

Turns out to be ‘in fact’