Monthly Archives: June 2011

‘Muses come instead of sleep’

Fairy – "Take the Fair Face of Woman"...

Yesterday I was hoping for some sleep

But the muse came and took the lead.

She took me to the land of ambrosia,

Of milk and honey, sweet scents.

She filled my mind with reveries

Instead of thoughts of the day.

She took my hand with gentle grasp

And gave me a pen decorated with wild feathers.

Then one plume fell onto the ground,

The flower of fern grew on the floor

And despite the calmness of the weather

I couldn’t fall asleep any more.

‘The unconscious mind’ – Part 9

As the baton flew through the air to hit Yuriy, several unexpected things happened at once. One of the bricks moved inward, reacting to the touch of his fingers, the floor collapsed under the two men, the baton fell from the warder’s hand and hit Yuriy lightly, making him unconscious and the two of them fell into the flowing river. The stream took them to the waterfall which threw its victims, making them drop hardly onto rocks. If anybody had stood there in that time, he would have thought that the two dead bodies covered with blood were lying there. It was impossible for a human being to survive the forceful fall from 400 meters. In fact, however, there was only one corpse in there…

‘The sorrow can only fall asleep’

One more tear I will shed

One more glass of champagne I won’t have

As I will drink wine instead


When will this sorrow go away?

When will this memory find its way

Out of my head?


A song of madness

Sung in shadows, hiding from the lights

Strong feelings may never actually die

Tempranillo varietal wine bottle and glass, sh...

‘The unconscious mind’ – Part 8

Yuriy was in a panic. His eyes started to roll fast in search for a way out. He touched the wall in front of him. It gave him a strange feel. His fingers seemed to recognize every single crack. Occupied with his new discovery, he didn’t notice the guard approaching him slowly from behind. The warder smiled as he realized in what position he was. He made a few careful steps towards the runaway and raised his baton.

‘Civilization’s traps’

Closed doors

Front doors

Eyes close

Eyes closed

Careful watch

Watch to catch

You doing something wrong


Hands reach

Hands of witch

And tongues of one too

Tongues always due

To see you do

Change the hue


Nails sharp

Nails that carp

Just like lips

Making you get to grips

With remorse

Which only makes things worse


Ears that listen

In the light they glisten

The foes that gossip

Wait for you to take a sip

From the cup which pleasures promise

But no friends enlist


Hey, readers! It’s my 100th post!!! Yay! Time to celebrate…

Champagne tower.


I’d like to thank you for the following award in the Thursday Poets Rally:

I nominate Elaine Danforth.



A maggot crawling down your cheek

An owl hunting behind the window

You can’t sleep


The lights have gone off

But the world around still visible

Dreams just won’t come


The sounds so silent yet so sharp

The music’s playing in this night

No – the nightmare won’t visit either


You turn from side to side

Try to watch TV – there’s a late night fight

Eyes don’t close, they can’t


First rays appear on the horizon

The alarm clock has suddenly gone off

Oh, sweet sleep – it comes


Now you can’t wake up

‘The unconscious mind’ – Part 7

They listened carefully, but they couldn’t hear anything apart from the sound of drops falling into the water. ‘It seems we’ll have to split up’, somebody mumbled. And so, each of the warders entered a different passage. Meanwhile, Yuriy reached the dead end…



Just like Buddhists singing mantra

Just like flowers blossoming in spring

I’m looking for my harmony

Just like jazz singer in a niche club

Just like dancing rumba near the sea

I’ve found my perfect harmony

With a yoga practice in the early morning

With all worries forgotten and left behind

My harmony was finally found

With nothing that can break it

With my mind peaceful and my soul free

I fly away in my lovely harmony

Buddha, Kamakura, Japan

‘The Consequence’

Minds that know


Eyes that watch

Mouths that blame

Fingers that point

Heads that turn

And memories that remain

Don’t let you forget